If you have been

  • Feeling stuck with some of your clients.

  • Questioning whether you’re really helping your clients at all.

  • Feeling frustrated with clients who say they want change, but seem to resist your help.

  • Wanting more practical tools to help your clients get the improvements they’re looking for.

TEAM-CBT Training can help you

  • Have an efficient way to measure your clients’ progress..

  • Improve your connection with all of your clients on a deeper level, even the ones who are “borderline” or “difficult.”

  • Learn effective tools to melt away resistance, get unstuck, and move forward in a meaningful way.

  • Have a sense of direction with effectively treating depression, anxiety, relationship problems, and unwanted habits/addictions.

  • Learn over 50 effective methods gathered from over a dozen different schools of therapy to help your clients get the change they’ve been looking for.

  • Have fun with therapy, feel more fulfilled, and become more confident with helping your clients change their lives.

The Feeling Good Podcast

I’m so grateful to Drs. David Burns and Rhonda Barovsky for having me on the Feeling Good Podcast. You can listen to the following episodes on your podcast player of choice for a more user-friendly listening experience:

  • Ep 437: Overcoming Your Porn Addiction

  • Ep 367: Help for Troubled Couples, with Thai-An Truong

  • Ep 344: The Grief Method: Featuring Thai-An Truong

  • Ep. 283: The O of OCD: Featuring Thai-An Truong, LPC, LADC

  • Ep. 264: How to Get Laid! (With a little help from the 5 secrets of effective communication)

  • Ep. 218: Treating Postpartum Depression and Anxiety with TEAM-CBT

  • Ep. 187: Live demonstration of using TEAM-CBT to treat depression and social anxiety.

TEAM-CBT Training with Thai-An 2

Hi, my name is Thai-An. I am an LPC/LADC and the first Certified TEAM-CBT Therapist and Trainer in Oklahoma. I’m super passionate about spreading this awesome approach throughout Oklahoma and beyond. TEAM-CBT was created by Dr. David Burns and has been life-changing for me both professionally and personally. I’d love to share these powerful tools with you to help you feel more confident and successful in helping your clients change their lives.

I am the owner of Lasting Change Therapy, a TEAM-CBT practice in Oklahoma with a special focus in treating trauma and OCD.

I am a board approved CE provider for the following boards:

  • Oklahoma Board of Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors - Provider Number: 20230060.

  • Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers - Provider Number: 20230475

  • Oklahoma State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure

What people are saying about TEAM-CBT Training with me:



Email me at thaian@teamcbttraining.com with any questions about TEAM-CBT Training with me. Learn advanced cognitive behavioral therapy tools to become a more effective therapist and help your clients change their lives!